Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lack of Responsibility

I see it more and more every day. Young representatives of established corporations, telephone customer service reps, clerks at the movie theater candy counter, the guys in 7-11... it's almost too much to grasp... this total lack of personal responsibility on behalf of the service provider, that permeats just about every interaction that I have as a customer.

After a customer complained about getting mayo all over her brand new blouse, I observed the Quizno's Franchise owner tell the customer that the mayonnaise dispenser must have a cold because it sneezed on her shirt, and he laughed about it. No further discussion, no offer of payment for cleaning the shirt, no free soda on your next visit, no apology, nothing at all.

What's worse is that the customer accepted that non-response. I'm telling you, we are getting beyond apathetic here in America. We'll just accept whatever you throw at us. Even mayo.

Do you feel it too? Is it just me?

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